"Think you can't change the world? Too late, you already have. It was changed for the better the minute you were born. There are more people than you can imagine who will never be the same because they came in contact with you, if only for a fleeting moment." ~Gail Purcell

Monday, July 5, 2010

Makes Me Happy Monday 7/5

I am very happy today because I got my 1995 Previa fixed, and it didn't cost me too much money (needed new battery wires and a new battery) I love my car, only 120K miles on it and I  plan on keeping it a while longer!

I am also happy because I continue to make headway on my quilting projects. These are blocks 8 and 9 of the Jelly Roll Sampler quilt along. I am now caught up, just in time for a new block :) This top block was a bit of a challenge for me. The first time I read the directions involving an "around the world" border I just had to put it away for a while!  heheh  Turns out it wasn't that hard, or I was just in a better frame of mind!

And here is Georgie..... he is the sweetest cat I have ever known.... he is usually in the same room with me, no matter what I am doing. He won't sit on your lap and doesn't like to be picked up, but you can pet him all day long once he gets comfortable. He decided that right in the middle of my cutting table was a nice comfy spot! (he almost looks like he is laughing at me!)

AND one last reason to be happy today (can you stand all this happiness, my friends!?) I am going to lunch with my daughters..... not sure where yet, but they had better have the A/C cranking because they say we will hit 100 today (and humid) We don't hit 100 often around here, thankfully!

Have a most wonderful week!

"What dreadful hot weather we have! 
It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance."
~Jane Austen


  1. It's always great when you can keep a car for a long time...they become just like really good friends! I had my jeep for 14 years before hubby made me sell it...and my neighbor bought it and has been driving it for the past 3 years, so I still get to "visit" it! LOL!!!

    Love the blocks, and Georgie is very, very cute! On my cutting table on top of the fabrics is where my Wilson loves to get comfy also!

    Have a great day with your daughters, and stay cool! Gonna be a hot one here, too!!!



  2. Your jelly roll blocks are coming along nicely. What a beautiful quilt that will make.

  3. It looks like another beautiful quilt ...I love those blocks!!

    I'm one for keeping my car a long time too ..it's just so sweet driving one without a loan on it!!

    Have fun with the girls!

  4. those are happy things!

    And I LOVE the blocks. :)

  5. Great post of happiness! I think Georgie is just smiling along with you. The blocks look wonderful! Love the Jane Austen quote!

  6. Like the blocks they turned out lovely! Georgie is so cute!!!

  7. Very pretty blocks and your kitty is a cutie. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower.


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