"Think you can't change the world? Too late, you already have. It was changed for the better the minute you were born. There are more people than you can imagine who will never be the same because they came in contact with you, if only for a fleeting moment." ~Gail Purcell

Monday, June 14, 2010

Makes Me Happy Monday 6/14

Finding inspirational blogs and posts help to make me happy. Somehow, I manage to find just the right message when I need it most.... I would like to share some of my favorite inspirational blogs and I hope they help make you happy too. Just click on the links to be inspired!


Kind Over Matter 1

Kind Over Matter 2

A Beautiful Ripple Effect

The Positivity Blog

The Toy Society   (read about it and then check out the blog)

And in America, June 14th is Flag Day! 
Happy Flag Day, USA!

PS: Another reason to be happy...... I won a prize in Jane's celebration give away!!  Thank you Jane!!!!


  1. Happy Monday to you! Thanks for the great links! :-)

  2. YAY you! She had some great prizes up, too. I can't wait to see what you'll start next. New book and new fabric??? Time to start sewing.

  3. Sheilaaaa!!! Saw your comment on my blog and rushed over here. I won't lie to you, life took over and I'm overwhelmed. No time for comments at first and eventually I even became a bad google reader reader. Glad to see all is well on your blog and wanted to say I missed our frequent interaction--not that I can change anything at a moment.
    My best,

  4. Thank you for the wonderful links!! And your kind visit over at my neck of the woods...much appreciated!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. You made my day!