I found some fun crafts and snacks that you can make with the kids for New Years while staying warm and cozy in your home!
From about.com:
Family Resolution Book
Resolutions -- those little promises that you make to yourself each year but don't necessarily keep. Here's a way to keep you and your family on track with those promises.What you need:
- A photo album or scrapbook.
- Resolution form (print one for each family member).(Or use your own idea)
Variation: For those who own camcorders -- record each family member talking about his/her resolutions on camera. Take a look at the video every month or so to see how you're doing with your resolutions.
Kaboose has a variety of fun crafts. I liked these:
Paper Plate Noise Maker and Time Capsule
After making all these crafts, you and the kids will be hungry. How about a snack?
New Years Blessing Snack Mix
Each ingredient in this snack mix symbolizes something associated with the new year
- Bugles Corn Snacks - Represents horns and hats used in New Year's celebrations.
- M&Ms - Resembles colorful confetti thrown to welcome the new year.
- Peanuts - Plant the seeds for peace in the New Year.
- Pretzels - Arms folded in prayer for a safe and happy new year.
- Hershey's Hugs and Kisses - The love of family and friends that sweetens our lives.
- Goldfish Crackers - For good luck in the new year, represents abundance and togetherness.
- Raisins - Symbolizes 12 grapes eaten at midnight to bring good luck in all 12 months of the new year.
- Gold Foil Covered Coins - For fortune and prosperity.
Use even amounts of all the ingredients listed above or mix and match as you like. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together. You can make this mix as a family and eat while discussing each ingredient and how it relates to the new year.
Whatever you decide to do on New Years, be safe and be happy!

Hi Sheila, thanks for visitings and the comment. I do not hand quilt, I only machine quilt. Happy New Year!